Thursday, November 29, 2007


I belief the downfall of a man is in his Ego. I grew up in a family in which my father and his father (my grandfather) stopped talking to each other because of some argument. Few years later my grandfather passed on but the problem between my grandfather and father didn’t get solved at all. The point is not the argument, but it’s the Ego of 2 men that prevented them from talking to each other. When the old man died my father was around to do his last rites, as respect but the fact remained that they never spoke.

That was an example I saw in my family, among friends I do see ego problems. It is because of ego that men would sever 10 year friendship, brotherhood and other significant relationships. The argument could be over reasons that someone owes another an apology and the other refuses to apologise. Whatever the reason is it that difficult to apologise?

Sorry seems to be the hardest word for many to say. It doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong. My understanding is if you are in a problem, just apologise even if it is not you who is supposed to apologise. Rather lose face than lose the friend or brother, for that matter.

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