Monday, January 7, 2008

Formula of sucess

If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.

Sucess in life = x + y + z

x = Work
y = Play
z = keeping your mouth shut

i saw this quote somewhere and decided to share it.The secret of success is hardwork. All work and no play made jack a very dull boy as the saying goes a little play and fun will keep life more interesting and giving a right mix of happiness.

the last element is "Z". Many has screwed up because of their mouth. Being humble and down to earth allows room for improvement. if someone were to keep on bull shitting about themselves, no one will take the seriously and their hardwork will go to waste.


PurpleHeart said...

Very true ! Happy new year to u !! And din't u mean hardwork and not handwork ? :D

Vasanthan said...

@purpleheart: thank, i edited the spelling mistake. damn, i even committed it twice!

Shalini Gowrisankar said...

That's so true. I can't agree more with your post :)

Vasanthan said...

the soul purpose i started this blog was for my brothers. being the eldest brother my siblings took me as their role model but i what to be right about my advices thats why i blog it and with your input it would better serve everyone.

thanks purpleheart and Shalini, i really appreciate it.

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

lol...dat was funny!!

Sandhya said...

absolutely true....

Lena said...

very true though a bit sad because of element Z!!

Vasanthan said...

gunj: very funny and true also.
Thanks for visiting.

Sandhya: thanks for visiting, hope to see u more often.

Lena: I hate element Z also. Thanks for visiting Lena.

m.flowerr said...

Another kewl post!!

muthu said...

I tend to disagree dude - If keeping your mouth shut includes ignoring whatever thats happening around you(the social problems, politics and so on), then there would be ultimately no meaning in your success;;;;

Vasanthan said...

@muthu: when i said keep your mouth shut is to NOE brag over your success.
btw thanks for reading